Union Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
Richburg, SC
To Him be the power forever and ever Amen – 1 Peter 5:11
New To Union?
Church Life
Weekly Schedule
Sunday: 10:00 AM Child & Adult Bible Study
11:00 AM Worship
Wednesday: 6:00 PM Fellowship Meal, 6:30 PM Bible Study, 7:15 Choir Rehearsal
Choir rehearsal – 6:30 PM during summer
Nursery provided during events and worship.
Please note that we do not have these events during the summer months. We go from January through May and pick up again in September and go through November.
Girl Scouts meet Thursday nights from 6:30 to 8 PM in the fellowship hall. They meet randomly during the summer.
Welcome in the name of Christ to all who gather for worship at Union ARP Church.
We invite you to join us for worship and we hope that you will sense God’s presence, be caught up in joyful praise, challenged by God’s Word, and leave strengthened to live for Christ in the world. If you do not have a church home we would love for you to come and worship and serve with us.
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Office Hours
Monday 9 AM-12 PM
Wednesday 2-5 PM
Thursday 9 AM-12 PM